Make A Difference Week 2022 - Cavendish Park Bioblitz

As part of Make A Difference Week, we will be hosting a short bioblitz in Cavendish Park.

A bioblitz is an event where people attempt to identify as many species as possible in a given area within a certain time frame. This will help us create a baseline inventory of the species in Cavendish Park and inform future restoration efforts.


June 11 10am - 12pm


Cavendish Park - meet at The Patch.

What you need:

  • A phone with the iNaturalist app.

  • After downloading the app, join the project. You must join the project in order to post your observations!

  • Bring weather appropriate clothing, close-toed shoes, and anything else you might need to be comfortable outside.

  • Please fill out the waiver, and send an email to to register, or you can just show up! [ But emailing in advance would be super nice (: ]


Case Woodlot Guardians 2023


Make A Difference Week 2022 - Case Woodlot Guardians