
Take a moment, wherever you find yourself, to become aware of your surroundings.

You can probably name the street, town or region you are in, but can you name the ecosystems found in your neighbourhood? What about the resident plants and animals? Take a moment to think. If you are unsure about the answer, then that is okay. Our current way of living doesn’t place value on these things being well known. You might even ask yourself, in this technological age, does it really matter what happens outside?


Whether we pay attention to it or not, nature is happening right outside our windows.

The natural world is responding to our lifestyles and we have started to notice. A recent study on global biodiversity, the largest of its kind, has demonstrated how closely we are tied to nature and it’s fate. As biodiversity declines, so do our ecosystems and economies. Nature provides us with the very basic elements for human survival; the resources that support our economies, and the educational, spiritual, inspirational, and recreational experiences that contribute to our quality of life. Without nature our entire way of life is at risk.

How do we stop the decline?


Homegrown Society wants to inspire you to learn about the places you reside in from a different perspective. Not as a passive observer, but as an active participant. We all have a part to play in the environmental health of our communities. We want to mobilize your community by facilitating local environmental stewardship initiatives in your neighbourhood.


Now is the time to take responsibility for the places that will live in. Take our future into our own hands. Let's work together and create local solutions for global problems. We can make the world a better place starting right here in your community.

Biodiversity loss is being felt at a global level. A scale that the average citizen can not hope to influence alone, but together we can make a difference. Become a steward of your neighbourhood today!

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